Legal HD®

Advice & Counsel

a Service Provided by Farwell Rashkis, llp

Legal Advice at an Affordable Price

Let Us Answer Your Important Questions

What area of law am I dealing with?
Where do I start?
How serious is this issue?
Do I have time, or do I need to act now?
Do I really need a lawyer to handle this?
How does the legal process related to my issue work?
How long will it take to get my questions and concerns resolved?
What kind of lawyer should I be looking for?
Can you put me in touch with a lawyer who handles concerns like mine?
What steps can I take to address this situation?

Client testimonials and service reviews are not a guarantee or warranty of a particular outcome.  Each client situation is unique, as is each outcome.

Legal HD® - The Details

Legal HD® is a pay by the minute legal advice and counseling service provided to those who are confronting a legal question or concern and want help figuring out where to start, what to do, or if hiring a lawyer would be a good idea. 

Whether this is the first time you have ever dealt with a legal issue or you simply want to better understand your situation before committing significant time and money to a course of action, Legal HD aims to put you in a position where informed decisions can be made.

Dealing with lawyers and legal issues is expensive, and if you don’t deal with either of them very often, they can be overwhelming and stressful.

Instead of trying to do it all yourself only to find out later that you are in over your head or rushing to spend a large sum of money to retain a lawyer only to wonder about the unknown or worry about what might come next, schedule a Legal HD session and talk with an experienced lawyer about your situation.

Ask all of your questions and receive meaningful advice that clarifies what you are dealing with and builds your confidence around how to best handle your situation – all without having to commit significant resources up front or waste your precious time.

Stop wondering about the unknown and worry less.  Get the help you deserve.  Book your session now.

How Does the Service Work?

Through a telephone call or video conference, you will speak directly with an attorney who can help you better understand the situation you are confronting while, at the same time, identify issues, options, or steps that may be available or could be encountered moving forward.

For scheduling purposes, we offer sessions in 60-minute blocks, but that is nothing more than a placeholder.  As the client, you decide how long or short your session will be.  It is your session.  If you get what you need in 10 minutes, then your session will be 10 minutes.  If you need two hours, then your session will be two hours.

Legal HD is a client driven service.  You are in control.

To book your session, please click HERE or click on the Book Your Session button at the top or bottom of this page.

After your consultation session ends, you can schedule a follow up, especially if new questions or concerns come up.  Simply click the Book Your Session button and follow the same scheduling process you did the first time.

Take note that we are aware scheduling issues and conflicts come up from time-to-time.  For example, your session may still be going but you might have another appointment to get to.  Likewise, your session may still be going but the consulting attorney may have a session scheduled with another client.  If anything like this happens, your session will be continued to another time, which sometimes can be as soon as later that same day.

Who is Providing the Service?

The Legal HD service is provided by Farwell Rashkis, LLP, a California based law firm, and if you choose to engage the Legal HD, you will be a client of the Farwell Rashkis law firm for the duration of the help desk service.

Craig Rashkis, an attorney with more than 20 years of litigation and transactional experience, is the primary attorney providing the Legal HD service, but he may not be the only attorney. 

Based on several factors, such as the initial description you provide of your legal question or concern, the date and time you select for your consultation session, any time urgency you expressly identify, or a last-minute development with attorney schedules, the Farwell Rashkis law firm may match you up with an attorney other than Mr. Rashkis for you to speak with.  All of the attorneys providing the Legal HD service have anywhere from 10 to over 20 years of practice experience.  You will be in good hands.

Let our lawyers’ experience and insight help you feel more confident about dealing with your question or concern.  Book your session now.

How Much Does It Cost?

Legal HD is a by the minute (BTM) service.  Sessions are $5.00 per minute for an individual and $7.50 per minute for a group of up to four (4) people with an additional $2.50 per minute per person for groups larger than four (4). 

A credit card or eCheck payment will be taken in advance of your session.  The amount of the advance payment will be three hundred dollars ($300), which is the equivalent of 60 minutes of individual session time.  If your session ends before 60 minutes, you will be refunded any unused amount.  If your session runs longer than 60 minutes, an additional payment will be taken for the amount owed. 

TAKE NOTE: You have to sign a fee agreement and make the advance payment described above in order for your session to be confirmed; so please follow each of the scheduling steps all the way through.

In addition, by completing the scheduling process and making the advance payment, you will be authorizing us to automatically process your credit card or eCheck for any additional amounts owing at the conclusion of your session.

What Types of Questions do People Get Answers to?

Foundational questions often answered or touched on through Legal HD are:

    • What area of law am I dealing with?
    • Where do I start?
    • How serious is this issue?
    • Do I have time, or do I need to act now?
    • Do I really need a lawyer to handle this?
    • What steps can I take to address this situation?
    • How does the legal process related to my issue work?
    • How long will it take to get my questions and concerns resolved?
    • What kind of lawyer should I be looking for?
    • Can you put me in touch with a lawyer who handles concerns like mine?

Our goal is to speak intelligently and competently about as many areas of the law as possible, and as a client driven service, we want to answer your questions and assist you as best we can. We don’t want you wondering if we can answer your questions. We simply want you to ask them.

If for some reason we are unfamiliar with the area of the law your situation gravitates toward, we won’t waste your time and money pretending we know something we don’t, and if we can get you to an attorney who is familiar with the area of law at the heart of your matter, we will do our best to get you to that lawyer.

With all that said, some of the legal areas and topics that are the subject of Legal HD sessions include:

  • My business is out of money. Bills aren’t getting paid and staff is leaving. I have never filed for bankruptcy before and have no idea what to expect or how to get the process started. Should I retain an attorney to deal with this?
Business Contracts & Transactions
  • I am negotiating the purchase of a business and the seller is bringing up issues that I do not understand and are making me uncomfortable. Are these issues something I should be worried about?  How do I get past this and purchase this business?
  • I would like to enter into a contract with a product distributor.  What contract terms I should be wary of or insist be included in the agreement?
Business Planning & Startup
  • We want to start a business. Should we incorporate? What is an LLC? What steps need to be taken to form our business? Are there any other business startup issues we should be thinking about?
Business Windup & Dissolution
  • I own a corporation with two other shareholders. We have decided to windup the business and dissolve the corporation but are unclear about what steps we should take to manage the dissolution process correctly. What should we be doing?
Construction & Contractors
  • My husband and I want to remodel a significant portion of our home.  We have talked to contractors, architects, and interior designers.  Each wants us to sign off on quotes and/or contracts.  We weren’t really considering this aspect of the project.  What should we be thinking about?  How do we protect ourselves?  Can we negotiate different contract terms?
  • My contractor keeps asking me for money, but I don’t see a lot of work being completed and am worried.  What can I do to make sure my contractor is getting the job done and not just taking my money?
  • I was hired by a homeowner to build an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU).  The project is half way done, but the homeowner is not paying and is accusing me of taking too long and making mistakes.  I can’t afford to continue working on the project without getting paid.  What can I do?
Criminal Matters
  • I was recently arrested and charged with driving under the influence. I have never been in this type of situation before.  What is going to happen?  How much is this going to cost me?  How can I find a good attorney?

  • Last weekend while mountain biking, I was “pulled over” by a park ranger and given a criminal citation for trespassing. The ranger told me it was a misdemeanor violation and that I need to report to the county sheriff’s office for booking.  I have no idea what is going on or how to properly handle this.  Will this be part of my “permanent record?”  Should I get an attorney to defend me?

  • A few days ago I was contacted by a police officer who works in another part of the state. The police officer said I was under investigation for various criminal offenses and that they want to meet and talk with me.  Should I meet with the officer?  Should I hire an attorney now or wait to see what happens next?
Dispute Resolution & Avoidance of Litigation
  • I am in a dispute with my business partner. Neither one of us want to go to court, but we are having trouble resolving our differences.  We want to have a session and try to talk through our situation.
  • I received a letter from my HOA threatening litigation. I am angry, think this is unfair, and am ready to defend myself.  Should I go to war with my HOA?
  • I live on a “Flag Lot” and am having trouble with my neighbor blocking my driveway and otherwise making it difficult for me and my family to come and go from our home. What can I do about this?
Divorce and Other Family Law Matters
  • My spouse and I are getting a divorce and things are relatively amicable.  We would like to handle the divorce on our own but don’t know where to begin.  What steps should we take to get the process started, and what should we expect from the process?

  • I am getting a divorce, and it is very contentious.  My spouse is hiding money and making things very difficult.  I know I need a lawyer, but I don’t know how to identify someone who will be a good fit for me and this specific situation.  I need help figuring out how to find a lawyer.

  • I am getting married and my fiancé wants me to sign a pre-nuptial agreement.  What is a “pre-nup,” and should I get a lawyer to represent me?
  • I own a business that has employees. I need to let someone go and want to avoid a legal claim, if possible.  How should I go about terminating this employee?
  • I am an hourly wage employee of a small business.  I don’t think my employer is paying me properly based on the number of hours I work.  What are the applicable wage and hour laws, and what should I do to resolve this issue with my employer?
  • I work for a fairly large corporation and am being harassed in my workplace.  What can I do to make it stop?  Do I have any legal recourse against the person harassing me?  Against my company?
Estate Planning, Will Probate & Trust Administration
  • My mom is in the hospital, and I just learned she doesn’t have a will or a trust. Can she still have an estate plan put together?  Can I assist in making this happen?  How?
  • I don’t have an estate plan but want one. What is an “estate plan,” and where do I start?  What should I be thinking about?
  • My spouse and I have a living trust that is almost 20 years old. Our lives have changed a lot, and we now live in a different state.  Should we update our trust?  How does our trust get updated?  Is there anything else we should be thinking about related to our trust?
  • My dad died recently. He had a will, and I am named as the executor.  What should I be doing?
  • I am the trustee of my parents’ trust. My dad died several years ago, and my mom just passed, what should I do?
Highly Regulated Industries
  • I am purchasing a craft brewery and distillery and do not understand the regulatory compliance involved in the alcohol beverage industry.  I need to find a lawyer who understands the industry and can help me navigate these issues.  Do lawyers like this exist?
  • I am a licensed contractor who just formed a corporation to own and operate my construction business.  Does my corporation need to be licensed?  If so, how do I go about doing that?  Do I need to hire an attorney to do this?
  • I am leasing a retail business location in my local downtown. The landlord just handed me a 38-page lease.  This is my first-time leasing space for a business, and I have no idea what most of this lease means.  Entire pages discussing indemnity, insurance, subrogation, destruction of the premises, assignments and subletting…oh my!  What am I getting myself into?  Seems like I need a real estate lawyer, but I want to be sure first and understand some of these issues better.
  • I want to sublet a portion of my office space to another business.  Do I need my landlord’s permission, or should I just move forward?
  • I just got sued…what do I do now?
  • I think I need to sue someone…how do I do that?
Non-Profit Organizations & Entities
  • My business partner and I would like to start a non-profit business. What are our options, and how do we move this effort forward?
Operating a Corporation, Limited Liability Company, or Other Business Entity
  • We are brining in a new owner to our LLC and want to document the transaction.  How should we do that?  Do we need a LLC specific document of any kind?
  • I am signing a contract on behalf of a corporation I am part owner of but I do not see the name of the corporation anywhere on the contract.  Should anything be done before I sign the contract?
  • My corporation has been in existence for many years, but next year I am taking it in a new direction.  How should I document this change in my corporate records?
Real Estate Transactions
  • My husband and I purchased a house a few months ago and just discovered a portion of the home is actually an unpermitted addition that was poorly built and requires significant repairs that may be blocked by the planning department where we live. The unpermitted addition was not disclosed by the seller or the real estate agent. Do we have any recourse? Where do we start?
Trademarks & Other Intellectual Property Concerns
  • I want to “trademark” the name of my business.  Can I do that? Should I do that? how do I “get” a trademark?
Typical legal consultations tend to be “Free” or “No Obligation” meetings between a lawyer and a prospective client, but a Legal HD session is different.
  • First, most “Free” or “No Obligation” consultations are business development tools for lawyers to evaluate whether you or your prospective legal matter are a good fit and worth taking on (i.e., do they want to work with you and will your matter generate money);

  • Second, in our opinion it is uncommon, if not rare, for you to actually receive any legal advice in a typical legal consultation; and
  • Third, the time allocated for a “Free” or “No Obligation” consultation is driven solely by the lawyer as opposed to by the client.
Lawyers operating a successful practice will not typically give up more time than is necessary to determine whether they are willing to take you and your prospective matter on.  In fact, “Free” or “No Obligation” consultations are sometimes not even conducted by a lawyer!  Is this the best use of your time? While your anxiety about how to deal with your situation is increasing, the “Free” or “No Obligation” consultation is doing little more than evaluating the economic potential your matter has to offer. Legal HD is different. Through Legal HD, an experienced attorney will:
  • Talk with you about what you are dealing with.

  • Help you understand where to start.

  • Clarify how you might go about addressing or resolving your situation.
  • Help determine whether it is likely in your best interest to seek the assistance of an attorney or whether you might be able to handle your legal issue on your own.
If your primary goal is to retain an attorney, then spending time engaging in no-obligation consultations may be of value.  However, if you lack insight and understanding about what your question, concern, or matter is all about and you are seeking to make informed decisions about whether and how to go about addressing or resolving the situation you are confronted with, then Legal HD is for you.

And…even if you are simply looking to retain an attorney but don’t know where or how to find the right kind of lawyer, Legal HD may still be a good use of your time and resources, as we can provide you with referrals to attorneys or law firms we think can handle the job.

The bottom line is this:  Legal HD is an end in itself.  We aren’t trying to build our practice by hooking you as a traditional client.  Legal HD is about you and there is nothing beyond providing the service that we are after.  We simply want to help you make informed decisions about how you want to go about addressing the legal situation you are confronted with – this is why Legal HD exists.

The question of whether one could get the same out of an internet search as a Legal HD session makes three grave assumptions:

1.     That anyone confronting a legal question or concern knows what question or questions to research;

2.    That everyone has the time (not to mention the interest) to do the research necessary to obtain the same or similar information to what can be provided during a Legal HD session; and

3.    That the answers to the question or questions researched will be straight forward and easily understood.

The internet is a wonderful tool, and if you have the time, interest and knowhow to do necessary research, then more power to you!  If you don’t, not to worry.  Legal HD is here to assist.

Most of the legal advice and counseling platforms available today are not law firms; so they can’t provide you with legal advice.  They are “gatekeepers” and “marketplaces” that bring prospective clients together with attorneys looking for work.  While this doesn’t sound like a bad proposition, most of these platforms require you to pay for a subscription in order to gain access to an attorney.

How many times have you wanted or needed to speak with a lawyer in the last year?  The last two years?  In the last five years?  From a financial perspective, are you willing to pay hundreds of dollars, maybe thousands just to know you could schedule a “free” consultation with an attorney?  How “free” is that really, and are you going to get what you need?

In our opinion, the vast majority of lawyers affiliated with today’s advice and counsel platforms are looking to get hired by you to perform work; so any counseling session you do with them is undoubtedly going be the same as a “free” or “no obligation” consultation – the point being that your interaction with them isn’t going to be about you; it will be about them and whether you and your prospective matter can generate money.

Finally, the lawyers you will have access to through an advice and counsel service platform will only respond to a specific question, and if you don’t know what question to ask, how are you going to get any value out of the answer?  Moreover, what about all the follow up questions that will inevitably come after your first question?  How do those get answered?

Legal HD is client centered and designed so that you can get legal advice from an attorney in real time.  Don’t be fooled by the competition.  We are an actual law firm ready to provide you with actual legal advice you will appreciate and can afford.  Book your session now.

Legal HD is designed to be limited in nature and because of that is not intended to fully answer, address, or resolve the situation you are dealing with.  Based on this and as the service providing entity, Farwell Rashkis, llp will not, through the Legal HD service, handle your legal matter to its conclusion.

Should you wish to work with our firm to represent you to the conclusion of your matter, we would be happy to discuss that possibility with you.  Any representation beyond the Legal HD service will be undertaken through a separate fee agreement between you and the Farwell Rashkis law firm.

Because Legal HD is designed to be limited in nature, the following is not part of the service:

  • Representing you beyond the single Legal HD session itself;
  • Preparing letters, court papers, or other communications on your behalf;
  • Appearing in court or any other adjudicative or related process on your behalf;
  • Speaking on your behalf to anyone not participating in the Service;
  • Preparing any tangible work product for you to use or refer to later;
  • Performing any significant or extensive legal research in connection with the legal issue(s) raised by the facts and circumstances disclosed to Us; or
  • Conducting any independent investigation of the facts and circumstances related to your legal question, concern or matter.

Legal HD is currently offered in the State of California only.

What this means is that the legal advice and counseling provided through Legal HD is based on California law.  If the legal question, concern or matter confronting you arises out of or is otherwise governed by California law, then Legal HD will be able to assist you.

Not sure if California law applies to your situation?  We can help clarify that.

Legal HD­®

Have a question? 

Ask it Here!

Or Call Us at: 888-670-7718